Attention, School of Pharmacy Alumni! Would you like to recognize an alum for their dedication to the SoP? How about honoring someone who provides outstanding service to their community? Please share their awesomeness with us! We seek nominations for the following award categories: Outstanding Alum of the Year, Outstanding Alum-Community Services Award, Outstanding Service Award (the nominee is not required to be an alum but must work or have worked in the pharmacy profession) and Honorary Alum.  

The recipients will be announced during the All-Years Class Reunion Dinner on June 24 at the WVU Art Museum. Please email your submission to Dr. Betsy Elswick ( by June 10 at 5 p.m.

Nomination instructions

  • Write "SoP alumni awards" in the subject line.
  • In the body of the email, please include the first and last name of the nominee,
  • the award you are nominating them for,
  • their place of employment and their professional title,
  • the college or university they attended, year and degree (fill in as much as you know)
  • and a paragraph or two about why you are nominating them.

On a related note, the registration deadline for the dinner is also June 10. Please visit the Alumni Day page for details and to secure your seat(s). We look forward to seeing you there!