The scaffolding project underway in the J.W. Ruby Memorial Hospital atrium has impacted access to the Respirator Fit Testing Room, located on the second floor landing near the 2 West entrance. However, employees can still access the Fit Testing Room.

To access the Fit Testing Room:

  • Take elevator or available stairs to the second floor.
  • Proceed to the area near the 2 West check-in desk and HR office.
  • You will notice a temporary wall erected that leads out into the Ruby atrium. There is a door that employees can open to access the Respirator Fit Testing Room.
  • Once you open the door, the room is on the left. If there is another employee being fit tested, please return to the 2 West area. (Note: Please be careful not to interfere with lines forming by patients who are checking in at the 2 West check-in desk.)

This PDF has more details. If you have further questions, feel free to contact the Safety Management Office at 304-598-4055.