Names and Internet addresses of selected web sites that provide useful information for health care practitioners are provided. This list will continue to be added to and modified when new sites are identified.
- ACCP Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis Guidelines (2012)
- Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research
- American Cancer Society
- American College of Cardiology Clinical Statements/Guidelines
- American Diabetes Association
- Cancer Literature (NCI)
- Cholesterol Treatment Guidelines (2013 ACC/AHA Report (PDF)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Clinical Trials Information
- Doctor's Guide (Free registration required)
- Food and Drug Administration
- Infectious Diseases Society of America Practice Guidelines
- Internet Stoke Center at Washington University in St. Louis: Stroke Trials Directory
- JNC 8 Report on Hypertension (PDF)
- Medscape (Free registration required)
- National Guideline Clearinghouse (Clinical practice guidelines)
- National Stroke Association
- PubMed