Learning experiences provide the structure of resident training in specialized areas of pharmacy practice. The resident is expected to review the learning activities and objectives for each learning experience as a foundation for practice. Residents are expected to perform independently and demonstrate proficiency in the learning experience. The preceptor provides guidance and assistance to the resident and ensures that the goals set forth by the resident and program are met. The preceptor provides the resident with evaluation of their progress, including an evaluation at the midpoint and conclusion of each longitudinal experience.
Frequent, clear communication is the key to a successful resident-preceptor relationship. In order to maximize the learning experience, the resident is expected to, in a timely manner, inform the preceptor of all absences, conflicts, or concerns that might arise during the learning experience. Residents shall prepare for topic discussions, read materials in a timely manner, and perform other tasks as assigned. Prior to the beginning of each learning experience, the resident should meet with the preceptor to discuss the requirements and expectations of both parties.
The first learning experience for PGY-2 residents in Ambulatory Care is orientation. The introductory experience includes, but is not limited to, pharmacy-based lectures and departmental orientation to be completed at the WVU School of Pharmacy, University Town Center Department of Family Medicine, and Ruby Memorial Hospital. Following orientation, the resident completes an Introduction to Family Medicine learning experience based at the University Town Center Department of Family Medicine.
Required Block rotations
- Orientation (3 weeks)
- Introduction to Family Medicine (3 weeks)
- Family Medicine Preceptorship (6 weeks)
Required Longitudinal Rotations
- Family Medicine (FM) subspecialty clinics:
- FM Continuity Clinic 1 (20 weeks)
- FM Continuity Clinic 2 (20 weeks)
- Metabolic Weight Management (20 weeks)
- Diabetes Care (20 weeks)
- Chronic Respiratory Care (20 weeks)
- Geriatric Care (20 weeks)
- Home Based Primary Care (20 weeks)
- FM Pharmacy Clinic (20 weeks)
- Academic Experience 1 (16 weeks)
- Academic Experience 2 (12 weeks)
- Leadership and Practice Management (46 weeks)
- Leadership Selective (10-20 weeks, depending on selection):
- Course Coordinating and Academic Administration
- Patient Centered Medical Home and Population Health
- Advanced Community and Advocacy
- Research and Scholarship (49 weeks)
Elective Longitudinal Rotations (10-20 weeks)
- Anticoagulation
- Long Term Care (Nursing Home)
- Women’s Health
- Pharmacy Quality
- Endocrinology
- Neurology
- Outpatient Psychiatry
- Transitions of Care
Other options other than those listed may be considered for elective rotations as opportunities arise. Residents must complete at least 3 separate electives, although they may choose to repeat an elective based on interest and feasibility, provided they determine new goals to focus the experience on.
A 52-week schedule of the resident learning experiences provides a framework for structured learning activities. The resident and the director or coordinator will meet at the beginning of the year to form a plan for development. As the resident acquires additional knowledge and learning experiences, their goals may change. The resident’s schedule and expectations for each individual learning experience are determined by the preceptor and reviewed with the resident at the beginning of each longitudinal learning experience. It is the responsibility of the resident to, in a timely manner, personally inform the preceptor of all time conflicts. This includes additional meetings that might arise, absences to attend professional meetings, etc.
Sample Longitudinal Schedule Template
Week 1
Monday - FM Continuity Clinic 1
Tuesday - Academic Experience 1
Wednesday - Academic Experience 1
Thursday - Elective
Friday - FM Continuity Clinic 1
Week 2
Monday - Metabolic Weight Management
Tuesday - FM Pharmacy Clinic
Wednesday - Research and Scholarship/Leadership
Thursday - Elective
Friday - Chronic Respiratory Care